How to Deal With Addiction during the Holiday Season

For people in recovery from addiction, the Holiday season can be even more challenging than other times. There is an enormous amount of pressure on all of us during the holidays but some people need a little extra help to cope with the festivities. People in recovery are constantly aware of the triggers of relapse and do their very best to avoid them. However, it is not so easy to avoid social gatherings at this time of the year. Here we take a look at some ways people in recovery from substance abuse can enjoy the Holiday season without risking relapse.
How to Stay Sober this Holiday
Here are some simple steps you can take to help you cope with the Holidays:
Recognize the stressors that led to substance abuse in the first place. This is a vital part of the rehab journey as it allows people to avoid the very situations and circumstances that trigger negative feelings and behaviors.
Try and avoid unnecessary challenges without declining all invitations. There are certain social situations where you’ll be in the company of others using alcohol or drugs and others where there will just be an acceptable level of social drinking. Socializing with people who have a healthier attitude towards substances will mean you are not likely to be pressured to use anything yourself.
Take a trusted friend or family member to social occasions with you who is fully aware of your sobriety. When you feel supported in difficult situations in recovery, you are more likely to overcome any difficulties you face.
Don’t be scared to talk to someone when you feel anxious about the Holidays. You are almost certainly not alone in feeling stressed during the festive season, which is important to remember so that you are no too hard on yourself. Accept that it is okay to tell someone else how you feel. After all, a problem shared is a problem halved.
Choose Capo Canyon Recovery for Addiction Detox and Treatment in Orange County, CA
If you are concerned about the challenges you face this Holiday season, speak to Capo Canyon Recovery. We can offer a range of sober holiday activities in Southern California that form valuable components of treatment programs offered at our addiction recovery center in Laguna Niguel, CA. Find out more about how to stay sober this holiday by contacting Capo Canyon Recovery in confidence today.